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About Us

Russell Giannotti, MDT, CDT is the owner, President and master ceramist of Curdent Laboratory, a family owned laboratory in Ronkonkoma, NY.   With 28 years experience in the field,  he has an extensive background in the dental laboratory industry.  He is a graduate of NYU College of Dentistry, earning his Masters of Dental Technology in October 1995.  He continued his advance studies by becoming a Certified Dental Technician in June 1998.  He is an expert on CAD CAM technology and actively participates in continuing educational events.

All Curdent Laboratory restorations are proudly manufactured at our laboratory in Ronkonkoma, NY, USA by a dedicated team of experienced Certified Dental Technicians (CDT).

Being certified as CDT's shows our commitment to the profession and that we attain a high professional level in education, knowledge and skill.

We want to be your dental laboratory partner - SEND US YOUR NEXT CASE and try our high quality work!

Curdent is pleased to work with the following companies:

Curdent Dental Lab Associate Companies




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